How Your Vaginal Microbiome Affects Baby’s Immune System


A healthy vaginal microbiome seeds your baby’s immune system upon delivery, but that is not all.

The baby actually interacts with the mother’s many communities of microbes from fertilization to birth in the uterus, placenta, and then vaginal canal. The baby’s microbiome is then reinforced through breastfeeding. So, really the vagina is just the beginning.  

What is a microbiome? 

A microbiome is a diverse ecosystem of microbes. Microbiomes also drive much of human function. In the vagina, this community of microbes is dominated by Lactobacilli and actually protects you daily from the colonization of pathogenic bacteria that leads to things like yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, or other reproductive/urinary tract infections.

Unique Footprints Nerd Stat: Your body is 90% Microbial DNA and 10% Human DNA.

What are the main things that affect the vaginal microbiome?

  • Toxins

  • Diet

  • Stress

How can I support my vaginal microbiome?

  • Healthy diet (avoid sugar and include a prebiotic and probiotic regimen)

  • Reduce stress

  • Look at the ingredients in your lubricants, laundry detergents (they end up on your underwear), and body washes. You want to avoid: glycerin “glycerol”, sorbitol, chlorhexidine, scents/flavors, petroleum, propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, phenoxyethanol, sorbates, benzoic acid, l-arginine, nonoxynol-9, acetate and parabens.

Why should I avoid these ingredients?

They are irritants that can lead to higher risk of contracting an infection by disrupting the delicate balance of microbes. 

  • Sugar: Don’t ever put sugar in your vagina, this can lead to yeast infections.

  • PEGS (polyethylene glycol): These are highly absorbent through the skin and made with toxic heavy metals. Vaginal tissue is very thin and absorptive…just say no.

  • Parabens: These mimic estrogen and can cause endocrine disruption which means hormone issues/fertility issues. Don’t put this into your reproductive tract or on your skin.

  • Antimicrobials: Obviously, with the aforementioned information about the vaginal microbiome being an ecosystem of microbiomes that keeps you healthy…Don’t kill them.

When these products are introduced to the vaginal canal it’s like burning the rainforest of your vaginal ecosystem.

However, it is not your fault if you’ve used these chemicals. It’s a shame that they are even in female care products. As with many things motherhood or wellness related you just do your best until you know better. 

Pro tip: While there are some emerging lubricants that are considered clean and much healthier for the vaginal microbiome, go with no lube or a dab of organic coconut oil. 


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Unique Footprints Authors:

Jenny Morrow, RN, IBCLC, LCCE, RYT

Jenny is a mom, neonatal nurse and founder of Unique Footprints (online pregnancy and early motherhood courses). Jenny has taught over 10,000 expecting families how to prepare for this time in their lives. Read more about Jenny here or you can watch her story.

Chelsea Harkins, PT, DPT

Chelsea is the Unique Footprints Advisor, Doctor of Physical Therapy and founder of Dallas Pelvic Health, specializing in treating prenatal and postnatal women. She believes in a holistic approach to pelvic floor therapy and integrates her orthopedic experience into her practice to help mothers achieve complete restoration and healing of their postpartum body.


From the Unique Footprints editorial team and Jenny Morrow, founder of Unique Footprints. Unique Footprints follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources from ACOG, the American Academy of Pediatrics, CDC, the U.S. Surgeon Guidelines and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The UF TEAM also thoroughly researches peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Unique Footprints is endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association.


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