How to Avoid Urinary Tract Infections

Unique Footprints Author:

Caroline Susie, RD/LD

Caroline Susie is a Registered Dietitian, wife, mother of a 3 month old and two Jack Russel Terriers. She currently specializes in prenatal and postnatal nutrition and believes that taking a personalized nutrition approach is best. Learn more about Caroline, here.

During pregnancy UTI’s are common and sometimes present no symptoms. However, UTI’s can lead to preterm labor and the first sign of a UTI for some moms are strong Braxton Hicks contractions. 

Good news, you can start now by increasing your water intake to decrease your risks for getting a UTI.

Hydration needs increase during pregnancy and the general rule of thumb is 8-12, 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

The best way to gage your hydration level is to have a quick look at your urine before you flush. If your urine is dark and concentrated, you need to push fluids. It is recommended to spread your fluids evenly throughout your day. To help you, carry a thermos with water everywhere you go and shoot for 4 glasses of water by noon.

If you think you may have a UTI, contact your health care provider right away.

Other foods and fluids that can help: Drink at least 8, 8-ounce glasses of water a day and eat cranberries. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, refined foods, fruit juices and sugar.


From the Unique Footprints editorial team and Jenny Morrow, founder of Unique Footprints. Unique Footprints follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources from ACOG, the American Academy of Pediatrics, CDC, the U.S. Surgeon Guidelines and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The UF TEAM also thoroughly researches peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Unique Footprints is endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association.


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